Promotional Umbrellas for Fun and Profit

by | May 9, 2017 | umbrella


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Promotional items are present in nearly everyone’s personal and professional lives. They’re in kitchens and crawlspaces, and people even wear them around town. However, sometimes it’s hard to choose what items to choose. Here are some attributes that make a promotional umbrella a viable option when you’re considering what will make up your line of branded items.

Valuable and Useful

Compared to other common promotional items, a person might expect to pay a relatively large amount of money for an umbrella. That puts them into the medium to high range of promotional items. This is important for two reasons. It makes the recipient of the umbrella have a higher opinion of the value of your brand, and it makes them more likely to hold onto the item and use it if weather permits.

High Visibility

Umbrellas sit just around eye level when they’re being used. This means that your brand logo will be right in the sweet spot in terms of awareness. Also, even the smallest umbrellas offer larger surface area for printing than almost any other promotional item. Not only that, people will be able to see your company’s message from any angle due to the circular design of the umbrella.

People Understand

People know that when you give them an item like a promotional umbrella you’re giving them something to advertise your company. Research has shown that they don’t mind doing a little of your advertising legwork as long as they’re getting a useful item in the bargain. In fact, they’re more likely to respond favorably if you give them an item they perceive to have a high value.

Fit in Your Budget

If your company or organization has policies restricting the type and value of advertising items, it’s more than likely that umbrellas will agree with those rules. Generally speaking, they’re in the sweet spot that provides both low cost and a high perceived value. If one type doesn’t work out with your regulations, keep in mind that there’s a large range of sizes and prices to choose from.

In conclusion, promotional umbrellas are a good choice, especially if your recipients live somewhere with lots of rain or sunshine. That’s because people respond best to gifts they can use. It also helps that people perceive umbrellas to have high to medium value. That’s a beautiful thing because custom umbrellas also have the benefit of carrying a price tag that fits into almost any advertising budget. The final thing to keep in mind when making your decision is that you can profit from making your brand as visible as possible: People understand that your items are promotional. Visit Website URLto know more!

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